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Conference and Seminar Organized

  • 2024
    Chairperson, 3rd National Seminar on “Next Generation Technology for Sustainable Fisheries” held on 18th& 19th March 2024, Depart of Animal Health and Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630 003.

    Convenor and Organizing Secretary on “Recent Trends in Vaccines and Biomaterials for Animal Health – RTVBAH 2024” held on 1st & 2nd February 2024, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu, India.

  • 2019

    Chairperson, International Conference on “Innovative and Emerging Trends in Botany (ICIETB – 2019)” organized by Department of Botany, Alagappa University, Karaikudi on 6th and 7th November, 2019.

    Convener, MP-TEM 2019 in 2nd international conference on Molecular physiology, therapeutics and experimental medicine (MP-TEM 2019) held on 24th and 25th July 2019, Department of Animal Health and Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630003.

  • 2018

    Co-ordinator, UBCC in 2nd Training Programme on “Business Opportunisties in Aquaculture and Vermiculture Technology” held on 02nd – 08th March 2018, Department of Animal Health and Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630003.

  • 2017

    Member of Advisory Committee, National Conference on “Futuristic Materials” (NCFM – 2017) held on 27 & 28 March, Department of Physics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630003.

  • 2016

    Organizing Chairman, International Workshop on “Molecular Physiology, Therapeutics and Experimental Medicine” – 2016 held on 6th and 7th September, Department of Animal Health and Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630003.

    Co-Convener, International Conference on “Recent Trends in Biosciences” IRTB – 2016 held on 7th April to 9th April, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630 003.

    Coordinator, Training programme on “Recent trends in software industry. Role of income tax and sale tax in business held on 3rd March 2016.

    Coordinator, Training programme on “Live feed culture production (Artemia, Phytoplanktons& Zooplanktons, Spirulina), and Sea weed culture and its allied industries” held on 26th February 2016.

    Coordinator, Training programme on “Small Scale business setup in ornamental fish farming, apiculture, mushroom and silk production” held on 20th January 2016.

  • 2015

    Coordinator, Training programme on “Shrimp and fin fish production skills for aquaculture business” held on 15th December 2015.

    Coordinator, Training programme on “Motivation for business development skills in livestock rearing and its by product production” held on 7th December 2015.

  • 2013

    Organizing Secretary, International Seminar On “Recent Trends in Aquatic Animal Biotechnology” (RTAAB- 2013) held on 21-22 October 2013, Depart of Animal Health and Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630 003.

  • 2010

    Organizing Secretary, International seminar on “Applications of Confocal Microscopy Techniques in Animal Health Management” (ACAH’2010) held on 29-30 March 2010, Depart of Animal Health and Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630 003.

  • 2009

    Co-Ordinator, TamizhaAriviyalPaeravai “Tamizhkathin Sakthi Valam” 2009 – Department of Animal Health and Management held on 11th to 13th September 2009, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630 003.

    Organizing Secretary, National seminar on “Application of genomics and bioinformatics in Animal health and Management” NSGB 09- held on 25th and 26th March 2009, School of Animal Health and Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630 003.

    Organizing Secretary, International colloquium on “Emerging biotechnologies in Agriculture, Animal Health and Productivity” ICEB 2009- held on 23rd to 27th Feb 2009, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630 003.